LUXEMBOURG: large company energy audits
Energy audits for large companies in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
In Luxembourg the regulatory framework is governed by the Law of 5 August 1993 on the rational use of energy as amended by the Law of 5 July 2016. The latter transposes the European Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency which requires an energy audit every 4 years for large companies.
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Which companies are concerned by these audits?
On a non-exhaustive basis, if a company (whatever its legal form) exceeds one of the following thresholds, it is eligible for an energy audit every 4 years:
- If the number of employees is greater than 250, or
- If the turnover exceeds 50 million euros AND the annual balance sheet exceeds 43 million euros.
Please note that it is up to the company to check whether or not it is concerned by this obligation!
What is the content of this audit?
The minimum content of the audit is determined by law and must comply with international standards for energy audits (in particular EN 16247).
The audit should at least:
- “Be based on up-to-date, measured and traceable operational data on energy consumption and, for electricity, on load profiles”.
- “Include a detailed review of the energy consumption profile of buildings or groups of buildings, as well as industrial operations or facilities, including transportation”.
- “Rely, where possible, on life-cycle cost analysis rather than simple depreciation periods to take account of long-term savings, long-term investment residuals and discount rates”.
- “Be proportionate and sufficiently representative to provide a reliable picture of overall energy performance and to reliably identify the most significant opportunities for improvement”.
Carry out your mandatory energy audits with EASEE!
Thanks to approved methods and business protocols, you can carry out large company energy audits in accordance with the requirements of European Directive 2012/27 and the Law of 5 August 1993 on the rational use of energy as amended by the Law of 5 July 2016.
Learn more about EASEEContact usYou now have a tool that complies with current methodological standards. You can now carry out your regulatory audit yourself!
What are the penalties for non-compliance?
Audits had to be carried out within 5 months of the entry into force of the law of 5 July 2016, i.e. by 10 December 2016, and then at least every 4 years.
After this period, the Minister of the Economy may carry out an inspection the effective implementation of said audits. Failure to comply with the legal obligations may result in penalties.
Failure to carry out an energy audit or to comply with its requirements is punishable by imprisonment of 8 days to 2 months and/or a fine of 251 to 25,000 euros.
Are there any grants or subsidies available?
These energy audits are a legal obligation, therefore no grants (bonuses/subsidies) are available.
On the other hand, simply carrying out these audits will enable you to identify profitable pathways for improvement. You can then save energy!
Which organisation is responsible?
The body that manages these audits is the Department of Energy.